
November 4, 2009


Remember how self-reflective I was yesterday? During my sleep last night my brain produced several dream movies on the subject, which kept my toes tingling.

Like I mentioned my job briefly, right? Well the dream director inside my brain studio decided to put together a great little short about my OLD job at a grocery store. In the picture I was all bored at the store like I was when I actually worked that at age 16, but then things got good when I was in the toilet and caught some Asian businessman having an affair with a lady, who looked over the stall, saw me dumping and abruptly put the hanky panky to a stop. Since it was public domain they weren't mad at me and when they exited they left behind a whole pizza party!

I think my head was trying to tell me that work can be shitty, but every so often a pizza party is left behind and it's not that bad.

Right now it's midnight and I'm tired because I worked early, went to night school and then saw my good friend Erin on her 27th birthday. I'm not as tired as Pat Thornton, who yesterday completed 24 hours of stand-up at Comedy Bar for a good cause. If that doesn't impress you then maybe this classic clip from "Rock N Roll High School Forever" will:

The funny thing about this sequel to the original Rock N Roll High School, is that instead of The Ramones being the band in the movie, it's the Pursuit of Happiness instead. That and the fact that Corey Feldman dresses like Michael Jackson throughout the whole thing. It's like the producers said to him, "Listen Feldman, I know you love MJ and you're buddies with him and all, but could you just wear the wardrobe we gave you?" then Feldman goes "This is a Feldman party you square, and the rules of the party are drafted and signed by yours truly. Not only am I dressing the way I want, but craft services is to serve everyone eggs, except me. I'll be having tuna salad on pumpernickel and all the Ribena and soda I can drink, got it?"

See you guys, I'm going to have more real dreams, not the kind about throwing touchdowns and curing drowning.


Anonymous said...

Di you mean "self-reflective, Duke?

Duke of Spook said...

hahahah yeah. Big time tired, remember?

Anonymous said...

I like hearing about your dreams. It is therapeutic to talk about them. Hey, that might be a good idea for a reality show. Dream Idol or Biggest Dreamer or Dream Den. What do ya think Duke?

Duke of Spook said...

I always thought re-enacting dreams would be a good idea. Shit's gonna change once we find out how to record dreams in our brains. Hollywood blockbusters of the future

Chris Locke said...

Namrock is dope.

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