
November 19, 2009


I keep getting people calling my phone and expecting a different guy, and I think it's because I have a really flashy number that many people over the years have enjoyed.

I'm pretty sure that in the not-to-distant future we're not even going to need phone numbers and the idea of dialing a wrong number will be a concept the next generation will find absolutely hilarious. Their phones will be part of the nano computers implanted into their eyeballs at birth, and they won't even have to talk out loud for the other person to hear them, it'll all be thoughts and everyone will see the world like this:

Or like this:

Or maybe like this:

Did you guys read this? As much as it's probably all bull sweat, I think there's a some reasonable points, like how technology is changing so quickly these days -- "...the phone in his pocket contained a computer that was a thousand times more powerful than the room-sized computer he used as a younger man, and a million times less expensive." I tried to think of an analogous situation and say something like "the hamburger has faced a similar fate", but it was too tough. Although if you flip a few things around you get:

"...the menu in his restaurant contained a room-sized burger that was a thousand times more powerful than the burger he ate as a younger man, and a million times more expensive."

All my generation wanted to see before we die was flying cars, and now it looks like we may get in on immortality? That guarantees us at least flying cars, space travel, the invisible man, gills, new dinosaurs and a remake of Star Wars before we get bored and get our nurse droid to laser us dead. I just want to make sure I'm around for when we finally SeaQuest some dolphins, sign a pact with them and become co-leaders of Earth, with them handling the oceans, and us handling the land.

If immortality happens I guess it would mean that suicide would become a lot more tolerable and sky diving would become way more popular.

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