
March 6, 2008


I'd like to take this opportunity to plug a book I recently read called "The Name of the Wind" by Patrick Rothfuss.

You'll like this book if you're into:

- Demons
- Wizards
- Harry Potter
- Love
- Hate
- Books that have a cool map at the beginning

PLUS the author sort of looks like Rick Rubin! AND it won the Quill Award, which if I'm not mistaken is awarded to the Author who best exemplifies courage and valour in the face of grave danger while writing.

I'll let you borrow it if you live in the Greater Toronto Area and know my phone number.

I know this a little late, but I'd also like to endorse Twin Peaks the TV show. I'm too young to have watched it when it was actually on, but with the advent of DVD, I've been able to catch the entire series, commercial free. I have three episodes left, which I will view tonight. For those who don't know, the show is kind of like the X-Files meets the Days of Our Lives meets David Lynch. A winning combination, not unlike Beef meets grill meets bun meets toppings.


I got new Reebok shoes when I was 7 or something and when I got home I ran up the stairs to my front door and said "These are good for climbing!" Of course they were, they were rubber-soled shoes! Any pair would've sufficed. I also once cried because my dad wouldn't let me buy Air Jordans with my own money.


Anonymous said...

nobody knew you had a blog to me! this blog is great anyways, i totally hear you, and the cover of that book is pretty interesting

-tic tac

Duke of Spook said...

There's an older version of the cover where the main character is pictured shirtless and looking like Lion-O from Thundercats. This one is waaaaay better.

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