
November 3, 2009



I started writing some stuff about how I've been feeling lately, and it may not be knee slapping, but it's total chicken soup for the teenage soul with crackers for twenty-somethings and milks for your gramps. Also, I bought this gross frozen seafood because I thought it might be good, but it was shitty alright, and after eating some weird mussels I'm predicting cuckoo digestion in the near future. That's a bonus update. Okay, here:

It seems I've settled into a good post-summer rut judging by the sameness of my weekly routine and the frustrations felt when said routine starts up every Monday.

Even though I feel trapped by my job and wish I could move on, it's not like I wake up on Monday with suicidal thoughts and the hope that I'll barf diarrhea so I don't have to go. But still, my weekly, non-menstrual cyclical routine begins on Monday with the weekend seeming like a Lord of the Rings style quest away. That would make me Frodo, Liv is Sam, party time is Mount Doom, my patience is the ring and the Leafs are Gollum because they help me out but they stink and are annoying most of the time.

I go to work at noon, come home at 8:00pm and then get started on my evening activities, which may include writing this, writing a script, doing homework, writing jokes, making soup, or watching sports. Because I put so much pressure on myself to "get things done" post work on weekdays, I never put aside time to just go out and play jacks or broom ball with my best friends. I think this might be why I've been coveting weekends so much more than usual lately. The autumn exception has been Thursday and its phenomenal prime time lineup, including the latest edition of Survivor, which I've returned to after a 14 season hiatus. That number probably isn't exact, but I definitely haven't watched it since America fell in love with that down home country beard man, Rupert.

By the time Friday rolls around my motor neurons, party muscles, funny bone, balls and dance legs are firing on all cylinders, ready to summoned in case something fantastic comes up. I don't put pressure on myself to do anything on weekend, including soup making, which I think is yet another sign of growing up. When you're in school and school is easy, you can turn any weekday into a weekend just by adding beer. Nowadays I can have beer whenever I want, even though I don't have it that often, sort of like my childhood relationship with Kool Aid.

That was a whole lot of rambling, but I think it gives you a good idea of where I'm at in case you meet a alternate version of me who's trying to convince you that he's me. That would make a good movie actually - a guy has a blog and once day his friends and family notice he's been acting weird and someone smells something fishy so they spend the rest of the movie testing the guy based on his blog and they find out he's an alien or a replicant or whatever and kill him and find the real guy and at the end they all go for a steak dinner but the guy says he doesn't eat meat so it's still not him and then there's a sequel directed by someone shittier than the guy who wrote the first one.


scott said...

I can't believe how consistent at kicking ass Russell has been in Survivor. I thought he'd be gone by now most likely, especially since his team is garbage at all the challenges. I liked when everyone was super-bummed about it raining for like 3 days straight and he was basically standing in the open laughing at them all.

I expect good things from him next episode with the merge.

Duke of Spook said...

I love how comfortable he looks all the time. The reunion for this season is going to be electrifying.

Highwaisted said...

yay! you're watching survivor too??? that dickhead russell is joe's in his work poool. so shit is even more exciting when we watch it. we should have a party at your house or my house and watch the final episode for it?!! we could take the next day off work and drink a lot of beers.

that comparison to lord of the rings was classic. loved it!

i hope things get more groovy for you in the whole work arena. soon dude! things are happening!

Duke of Spook said...

hey yeah! Maybe we will have a survivor party. You guys are the only other people I know who are watching it though. Plus this guy stein. he can come too.

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