
December 21, 2009


Oh boyd, that weekend was a real tease. I had a lot of fun and had Santa on the brain, but the reality is that I have to work this week so the sugar plums are going to have to wait a few days.

On Friday night our company had its annual Christmas party, which was at King Street's Spoke Club this time around. We had three hours there to dominate the open bar and stuff as many canapes (little food) into our holes as possible. There was a bit of dancing, a bit of Rock Band and a bit of art that looked like oysters. My goal was to fuel up because me and my partner were to host the after party at our warehouse, which is what snowboarders call their homes.

Being full adults now, we decided we should make our party a bit less chip-centric and serve some decent snacks and decorate a little. Liv tinseled up the joint like it was a prize spruce and I bought some cheese, crackers and fat deli olives. Oh! And some dry roast peanuts, one of the most underrated forms of the popular nut. They're kind of like Molson Stock Ale or Cherry Blossoms -- time goes one but they stay exactly the same and remain steadily popular despite no promotion and unnecessary pageantry.

Everyone was partying really hard and some of the best characters I know were all there and probably wanted to forget their troubles or celebrate their successes with holiday fun. Plus, there were surprises!

First, despite a bout with bronchitis, fellow Internet person Alicia came by with her two pals. They were all a key addition to the party roster and I look forward to "jamming" or "juking" with them again at some point.

Secondly, we finally had some quality time with our great neighbours Jenny and Sandy who came by for a bit. It was a home and home series with them checking out our cool spot and then myself going over there to scope their chambers. After a magazine swap and a couple of brews, we became 100% friendly neighbours, which is as deep into politics as I get. Oh, and by the way, if you were at the party send me an email if you want to purchase the picture of you on the toilet that I took with a camera I stashed in the light overhead. 10 bucks!

On Saturday I went to an X-Mast party at my cousin's house, where we did a solid gift exchange at which I procured a selection of British candy thanks to my cousin who lives across that big salty river we call the Atlantic. I was still tired and hungover from the party the night before but it was a good time regardless, and I got to see what all my cousins are doing for haircuts these days.

Ewan's rocking a 'Sweepy Skywalker' as I wear the crown as King of Nice Moves

Santa's almost here! Don't forget to buy him some cream!


Anonymous said...

photo stealer!

Highwaisted said...

you and Liz are great party throwers! I can't wait to get down with you guys again soon! I'll for sure give you $10 for my photo on the toilet but do you think we could arrange a package deal of all 3 (me, mike and caitlin) for say $25?

Duke of Spook said...

Oh yeah, photo credit to Speirs. I haven't got my camera back in the mail yet.

Alicia, since it's the holidays I can facilitate that deal.

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