
January 4, 2010


That vacation felt so good that it felt like those childhood summer times where it'd be really hot and then a storm would roll through and you'd run outside, jump on your trampoline, slide all over the place and then drink pops until mom rented you a movie, no charge. It wasn't quite that good, but overall I feel very refreshed and ready to take a barbed and poisoned hook to the anus of 2010. Ahhhhhhhhhhh, gross!

Speaking of anus, I had a very disturbing dream the other night where James Gandolfini wanted to get physically involved with me and I was "no way man". I've always been sure of my sexuality, I think girls are the only way to go when it comes to touching, and this dream really proved that.

When this year started I was thinking of being less personal on this website, but I guess that just went out the window along with all of the farts of 2009. So long, boys!

This year me and my commitment opted to stay in this New Year's Eve party eve and eat Chinese food, which is what adults without kids like to do these days it seems. My brother, frequent blog commenter "Scott", made an appearance and we all marvelled at how utterly shitty all the countdown TV shows are, noting that Dick Clark seems like he's running out of batteries.

Pretty cool technology, right? Anyone can upload their favourite videos (as long as they don't infringe copyright) and then anyone can view them for free. This is a good sign that 2010 and beyond will bring many other technological wonders into our lives.

I thought I'd be bummed off by the new year, but I'm fairly confident that I'll have a decent year and am ready to take it by the horns, feed it well, give it a good life, then butcher it, marinate it in spices and herbs, roast it, let is rest then serve it with seasonal vegetables and a well paired wine.

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